Red Cedar School
Bristol, Vermont
Grades K – 8
A Vermont Recognized
Independent School
Fostering Socially Responsible
Lifelong Learners
Since 1989
Red Cedar School is a Vermont Recognized Independent School serving 50+ students in grades K through 8. The school is located just north of the village of Bristol at the edge of the Green Mountains.
We are a community in which relationships are based on dignity and respect, and built through care and collaboration.
We believe that curiosity, thinking, creativity and voice are at the heart of being human, and we encourage their development in all that we do.
We support students in their drive for competence and independence. We believe the energy and joy of education are based in reciprocity, which is found within a balance of freedom and structure, choice and guidance, the individual and the community.
Our curriculum is meaning based, responsive, interactive and vigorous. Our small classes emphasize inquiry, reflection, discussion, reading, writing and experiential learning. Explorations in the arts, our outdoor classroom, field and travel study, wilderness trips, guest speakers, and workshops augment classroom learning.
Upcoming Events
Game Night!
Saturday, March 29
7:00 – 9:00 pm
Now Enrolling for 2025/26
Openings Available
Dear Families, Friends & Alum,
From the Director