Students will be presenting their

Independent Studies

to the school community, parents & grandparents

Wednesday, May 15th at 8:30 AM.

Primary Group: Each student has chosen an animal to learn about and then share their learning through writing, charts, anatomy drawings and artwork. Animals include cephalopods, cheetahs, wolves, whales, owls, lizards, snakes, dolphins, penguins, tigers and bears. 

Elementary Group: Students are each doing a biographical study of a person they are interested in. Individuals include: Jane Goodall, Malala, Jackie Robinson, Harvey Milk, Neil Armstrong, Jacques Cousteau, Harriet Tubman, Wright Brothers, Sylvia Earle, Henry Ford, Albert Einstein, Jim Henson & Susan B. Anthony.

Upper Elementary Group: Students have each chosen a topic of curiosity and read extensively, taken notes, written information papers and developed visuals such as charts, graphs, diagrams and drawings. Topics they are researching and presenting include: Service Animals; Impact of Stereotypes; Diabetes; Salem Witch Trials; Maple Sugaring; Chernobyl; Eugenics & Vermont; the Gold Rush; Dyslexia; Women’s Rights; Stonewall; Alcatraz; Stonehenge; Ancient Greece; the Great Depression; the Vietnam War. 

Middle School Group: Our oldest group collaborated in pairs and trios on topics including: World Happiness; the Impact of Social Media on Teens; West Africa Before and During the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade; the Impact of Exercise on Health; Immigration and the U.S. Mexican Border; and Broadway. Together they are researching different angles, developing opinions, and writing about their topics.